Peter Andruszkiewicz

Board of Trustees

Audit Committee Chair


Peter Andruszkiewicz


After 35 years in the health insurance business, I retired in 2016.  My wife, Danielle and I have owned a home in Claryville for almost the same amount of time.  Danielle’s family has had a summer home in Claryville since 1942.   She and each of her 10 siblings worked at Frost Valley during the summers of their youth.

I learned to swim at a local Y and went to summer camp.   Danielle and I met at Springfield College in Massachusetts where we both came to appreciate the Y movement and its values.

In retirement I serve on the boards and advisory boards of several early stage, tech enabled health care companies as well as three not for profit boards including Frost Valley.   I’ve also learned and have developed a passion for turning wooden bowls.   See