Help Riel Send 5 Kids To Camp

photo banner with CEO riel peerbooms, hiking trail sign, and happy campers swimming

Please join me in raising money for critically needed scholarships for children and families who are facing financial challenges

With your support, this spring, to highlight the importance of outdoor opportunities, and raise much needed funds, my son Cooper and I (pictured above left) will be taking a hike for – and on – camp! 

To say I am a believer in the value of being outdoors is an understatement – both of my kids were virtually born in camp, slept under a mosquito net at 6 weeks old and have spent their summers in and around camp – they would not be who they are today without the positive guidance and support they got by being in those supportive communities and from the many adventures they had in the great outdoors.

Parents tell me all the time that when their children return home from Frost Valley they are more caring, responsible, and confident – I know my kids are! It is why above all, we believe that all children need camp and deserve the chance to have the kinds of experiences Frost Valley has provided for nearly 140 years to countless youth and their families. Through our outdoor, community-focused experiences, young people and families build lifelong connections, develop a sense of belonging, and acquire skills to live healthy and fulfilled lives.

SEL impact graphics

Did you know that your generous donations enable Frost Valley to provide over a million dollars to support our youth and families, as well as our visiting schools, every year? That also means we must raise these funds each year, with your help, and it is what Cooper and I will hike for this spring.

If your child returned from a Frost Valley outdoor experience deeply changed, or if you know from personal experience how essential it is to spend time outdoors, I know you will agree with meNo child’s financial situation should prevent them from having the memorable, life-changing experiences that Frost Valley’s camps and outdoor programs provide. 

Will you join us in our Spring Campaign? Your support will enable us to tell even more children to pack their bags, and get ready for camp!



Your Gift Makes Camp Happen!

On behalf of the campers who will benefit from your gift – thank you!

Frost Valley YMCA is a 501 (c) 3 charitable organization, and as such we rely on the support of our donor community to help provide financial assistance and to continue to advance our programs and services.

Find information on New York State charities by calling the Attorney General’s Office at 1-800-771-7755 or visit