A Camp Where ALL are Included!

In partnership with the Young Adult Institute, Frost Valley YMCA welcomes children with developmental disabilities to join the wider camp community during supervised daily activities. Our values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect point the way toward the development of interdependent relationships among our young campers. In integrated groups, children experience the joys of pure play and the abundance of the natural world. Children of all abilities gain a sense of belonging on the shores of Lake Cole, on the playing fields, halfway-up the climbing tower, singing songs over lunch in the dining hall and storytelling around the bonfire at night. They encourage one another to try new things, and, together, they grow confident in their newly-acquired skills. A culture of caring based on empathy, respect, and empowerment grows strong, and friendships flourish. The MAC Program fosters development, independence, and joy in all of the children who attend Frost Valley.

MAC campers integrate with the entire camp throughout the day and reside in their own village with specially-trained staff at night.  Ask our campers, counselors and year-round staff about this program and you’ll hear how it is a gift to everyone at camp that enriches our view of each individual’s contributions in the world.

For more information, visit www.yai.org/camping

NOTE: Application and Registration for the MAC program is completed through the camping department at YAI Network.

To Apply, Please Contact:

Chloe Dunnell, Director of the MAC Program
212-273-6100 x 6718
105 West 33rd Street 9th Floor
New York, NY 10120