3 canoes on lake cole

Adventure Gets Adventurous !!!

Day four in Adventure Camp and we had yet another great day of weather here in at Frost Valley. There was a slight breeze on camp which kept us cool from the hot sun.

Today we choose to make the most of this perfect weather and took the campers on hikes.  The oldest kids in the village went on a hike up Doubletop Mountain, this is an exciting trip because there are no trails and it’s one of the highest peaks in the Catskills.  With two highly skilled staff, the six kids ventured up Doubletop.  Doubletop is also special because it’s the sight of an infamous plane crash which occurred in the 70’s.  Our kids were lucky enough to actually find the plane crash while they were up there.

advill2 307-M
The rest of the village spent the morning on hikes to High Falls and Devil’s hole.  After lunch, the Adventure Staff in Training planned activities for the village.  These activities included water balloons, slip n’ slides and paint.
Tonight, the AiT’s will run one final activity with the kids.

Additionally one of our staff will be running a MAC devotion for the campers.  MAC is a village on camp [Mainstreaming an Camp] which includes kids that have developmental disabilities.  Tomorrow the kids in Adventure Camp will be hanging  out with them.  So, to set these kids up for a successful mainstreaming experience, we will be prepping the kids this evening on what MAC is and answer any questions that the kids might have.

Happy Trails,

Lincoln McLain
(845) 985-2291 x265


Zach eigenbrodt

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Zach couldn't keep himself out of the woods when growing up. He started working at a Northern Wisconsin YMCA Camp as a wilderness trip leader while in college and fell in love with getting kids into nature. The smiles on kids faces after returning from a once in a life time wilderness experience is why he is here today. Zach brought his talents to Frost Valley YMCA, in 2014, when he started as the Trips Coordinator and soon was promoted to Adventure Director. Zach loves all forms of Wilderness exploration, though some would say his heart lies most with canoeing.

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