3 canoes on lake cole

Maine Trail Builder

Winding roads and thick forest with tall trees on either side of the road was the view for our Maine campers as they traveled to their destination two days ago. Once the group arrived it was time for dinner. All three groups traveling from Frost Valley cooked together and. Dinner naturally ran late but after a long day of driving it was nice to fall asleep with a full belly while the crisp Maine dew fell on the tents.

Maine Trail Builders is a smaller group but they still share the same campground with our other Maine trips. This has offered opportunities for social interaction and fun while the group still gets tons of time to be with themselves and grow as a team. The past two days the group has been working with the Forest Rangers to build a bog walkway deep in the park. They’ve also learned of a spot where the campers can go swimming (i.e. there is a lifeguard) and they are lining up a whale watching trip for their free day.

Each camper has set individual goals for the trip. This has allowed to group to become tight as a unit. There is a very positive self-improvement energy with the group. It truly represents the two Frost Valley core values of Stewardship and Inclusiveness.

Our trip leader reported zero conflict and that everyone is blossoming and enjoying the beautiful Maine wilderness.


Zach eigenbrodt

Born and raised in Wisconsin, Zach couldn't keep himself out of the woods when growing up. He started working at a Northern Wisconsin YMCA Camp as a wilderness trip leader while in college and fell in love with getting kids into nature. The smiles on kids faces after returning from a once in a life time wilderness experience is why he is here today. Zach brought his talents to Frost Valley YMCA, in 2014, when he started as the Trips Coordinator and soon was promoted to Adventure Director. Zach loves all forms of Wilderness exploration, though some would say his heart lies most with canoeing.

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