3 canoes on lake cole

Today, We Made The World A Better Place. <3 EVR

So – This has to be one of the coolest blogs I have ever had the privilege of writing.

But first things first, Saturday was our Bareback Riding day and it was awesome! The girls got to try out their skills with out a saddle, which is pretty difficult especially for those that had never done it before. Bareback also gives you a whole new sense for your horse and how it moves, it’s really special – if you ever get the chance to try it, you should!

After bareback riding we played some water games at EVR – notably the EVR Bucket Drop, a traditional favorite where the girls have to guess from a category (i.e. breeds of horses, or ice cream flavors) and if they guess the one we are thinking of then they have a bucket of water dropped on their heads. Hilarity for all.

Our evening program on Saturday was CAPTURE THE FLAG. One of the best camp games of all time.

So, what you have all been waiting for……. Sunday’s theme was WE’VE GOT THE WORLD IN OUR HANDS theme, and holy moly was it a good theme. First of all we had to look the part, so we found all of our tie dye clothes and flowery dresses, and braids in our hair, and then met out by our fire ring. Each of the girls shared something that they would like to do to change the world and make it a better place if they could. It truly was incredible to hear some of the amazing, inspiring and incredible things that the girls had to share… Please check out smugmug to see what they want to do to make the world a better place.

After we made the world a better place, we headed to the arts & crafts building and tie-dyed everything! Socks, t-shirts, shorts, you name it, we tie-dyed it.

Then we had a mid afternoon snack and headed out to the garden to plant some pretty flowers and make EVR look even more beautiful! We also each painted a rock to put in the garden so we can look back in years to come and remember our awesome day :).

Our evening program was a Woodstock Festival inspired EVR festival of our own. So much singing and talents were shared. It was a really special end to a completely amazing day.

Yesterday (Monday) we were back on regular schedule, the four week girls have been practicing hard for their drill team and the two week girls played kick ball in the morning and after lunch came to the barn for an afternoon in the saddle!

In case you needed some inspiration for your day… Here is what 10 year old Delilah would like to do to make the world a better place… Enjoy! We <3 EVR…



Delilah 2



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